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Mainer has a message for Susan Collins: Her votes 'threaten the lives of Mainers like me'

Dave "Stretch" Tuemmler of North Yarmouth, Maine, owns the Stretch Studio in Portland and is a member of the Maine Small Business Coalition. He also has myxofibrosarcoma, a rare cancer that forms in connective tissue, and a son who has another disease, gastroparesis. He's got a message for his Republican senator, Susan Collins: "I am still alive because of Obamacare."

To date, I’ve had nine surgeries and 55 radiation treatments. That’s impossibly expensive care to receive in our county. But because of the Affordable Care Act, there’s a chance my legacy will not be bankruptcy. […]

I had to roll my eyes when I saw Sen. Susan Collins’ April 1 letter to Attorney General William Barr chastising the Justice Department for not defending the ACA. Barr’s announcement would not be a threat if Collins had not voted to pack the Supreme Court with justices hostile to the ACA. When Collins voted to confirm Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, she did so knowing that they’d likely join the other powerful individuals and corporations working to chip away at the progress we’ve made on health care.

Collins’ chastising Barr for doing exactly what she empowered him to do is, in my eyes, a cynical pre-election ploy to protect herself from the blowback for her own votes that threaten the lives of Mainers like me. It’s like throwing your child into the lion’s den and then yelling at the lion for eating him.

That's the best analogy for Collins' cowardice and crass politics I've seen yet. Collins has taken one tough vote since Trump got installed in the White House, against Trumpcare. Yet every single other vote she's taken has either bolstered Trump or been a meaningless vote against him, when her defection would make no difference.

Her sternly worded letter to Attorney General William Barr—after voting for his confirmation, along with virtually every other critical judicial nominee—is just insulting to her constituents.

from Daily Kos

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