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Why would allies trust congenital liar Trump on Iran threat when he's already lied about Iran nukes?

Donald Trump is a liar. It’s probably the one thing he does more consistently than anything else. It is the core of who and what he is. As the Washington Post noted, on April 26 the number of lies Individual 1 has told as president reached the five-digit territory. He’s barely been president for 25 months, so we’re talking 400 lies per month. As Eric Alterman pointed out, the topics of his lies range from windmills to steel mills, and the pace of his lies is only increasing. Trump makes the boy who cried wolf look like young George Washington in that invented story about the cherry tree.

More importantly, the lies are getting increasingly dangerous. On the domestic front, he’s telling lies about abortion and infanticide that could well incite terrorist violence. In the realm of foreign policy, he and his administration are spreading dangerous lies about Iran and greatly exaggerating the threat—which is a real one, albeit not near as great as Trump’s warmongers would have us believe—that that country poses to peace and to American interests.

Since coming into office, Trump has taken a number of steps to ratchet up hostilities between the U.S. and Iran. He has pulled out of the Iran deal negotiated under President Obama and reimposed severe economic sanctions, among other measures. Trump took these steps not in response to what Iran was actually doing, instead offering falsehoods rather than evidence as justification.

from Daily Kos

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