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Nationals confirm Game 5 World Series first pitch honors belong to José Andres, not Donald Trump

Major League Baseball’s World Series championship series is underway between the Washington Nationals and the Houston Astros. The Nationals took a surprising 2-0 game lead in the series, winning the first two games in Houston’s own stadium. On Friday night they will meet again in Washington, D.C., to play at least two of a possible three games in our nation’s capital. Donald Trump has already said that if there is a fifth game he will attend—if the Astros can win at least one of the next two games they will force a game five on Sunday. CNN’s Jeremey Diamond reports that the Washington Nationals have decided to bring in a very special guest to throw that possible Sunday game 5.


One of the honors afforded to a person is to get the opportunity to “throw out the first pitch,” to open a baseball game’s festivities. Having our embarrassment in chief know that the high honor was going to someone who has been openly everything Donald Trump is not, is—whether intentional or not—a special kind of trolling on the part of the Nationals. 

Always a gentleman when it comes to these kinds of things, Chef Andres had this to say.


It is also important to note that José Andres has proven himself to be a very worthy person to applaud in our society, earning humanitarian awards for his work helping the people of Puerto Rico after our current administration neglected to do its duty, and his trips to the Southern border of our country to bring aid to asylum seekers being neglected and inhumanely punished by our current administration. Chef Andres has been bringing his aid to thousands, if not millions, around the world, at a time when our country’s foreign policy is corruption first.


from Daily Kos

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